
正规赌博十大平台排行 provides computer resources to support its students, faculty, and staff’s education, research, and work: the priorities for the use of these resources 是:

  • 十大网赌平台推荐学院的教育、研究和行政目的
  • Other 使用 indirectly related to 正规赌博十大平台排行 purposes with educational or research 福利,包括个人通讯.
  • Recreation - including gaming, streaming media, Netflix, and other legal streaming 活动



  • 出售十大网赌平台推荐学院的资源.
  • 不受总统办公室批准的商业活动
  • 故意拒绝或干扰服务的
  • 未经授权的使用或访问
  • 未经授权读取或修改文件
  • 利用技术来冒充他人
  • 从非法或受版权保护的来源下载
  • 违反地方,州或联邦法律或十大网赌平台推荐学院的政策



To ensure continued compliance with computer usage guidelines, 正规赌博十大平台排行 designates 某些人员调查涉嫌滥用电脑的行为. 本人员保留 在此类案件中查阅档案的权利. 



  • Should report any malfunction to the person on duty or the organization responsible 对于设施来说. 不要试图移动,修复,重新配置,修改 或者将设备连接到系统上.
  • 在使用电脑设备前必须吃完食物或喝完饮料吗
  • Are to recognize that academic use of the workstations have priority over all other 使用
  • 请注意,学校允许在节假日期间使用计算机设备进行娱乐活动 periods of light usage; however, you may not play games or engage in other recreational 当其他人等待将工作站用于学术目的时进行的活动.
  • 必须认识到,个别计算中心的设施和其他设施可能 post additional operational rules and restrictions that become  part of this policy
  • Must not load or modify any software onto any hard drive without specific prior permission 文件的系统管理员或管理员.



For each user, authorization to utilize computer resources includes but is not limited to electronic mail, administrative records, 图书馆 services, and departmental-specific 项目.


  • Must have a valid, authorized account and may only use those computer resources which 是特别授权的
  • 只能按照授权用途使用其帐户.
  • Is responsible for safeguarding their computing accounts and should change passwords 通常是为了确保隐私和安全




  • Must not use the computer systems to violate any rules in the Employee Handbook or 正规赌博十大平台排行学生手册或任何地方、州或联邦法律
  • Should disclose to the appropriate authorities any misuse of the computing resources or potential loopholes in computer systems security and cooperate with the systems 主管对滥用职权的调查



The college prohibits misuse or abuse of 正规赌博十大平台排行's computers, computer systems, 计算机网络、程序和数据. 学院将考虑违规行为 areas listed below academic misconduct, misdemeanor, or felony as appropriate to the 情况和处理相应的情况. -参见处罚部分


违反 of 正规赌博十大平台排行 or another user's privacy include but are not limited 致:

  • 试图未经许可访问另一个用户的计算机文件
  • Supplying or trying to provide false and misleading information or identification 访问其他用户的帐户
  • 未经授权“借用”或检查其他用户的输出
  • Deliberate, unauthorized attempts to 访问 or use the college's computers, computer facilities, networks, 项目, data, or any system files other than those designated 供公众查阅
  • Connecting a wireless 访问 point to the network without authorization by the Information 技术部门
  • The unauthorized manipulation of the college's computer systems, 项目, or data
  • The unauthorized capturing of computer network data directly from the network backbone 或者网络媒体




  • 滥用特定的计算机资源,如互联网
  • Attempting unauthorized 访问 to computers outside the network using the college's 电脑或通讯设施
  • Removing any computer equipment - hardware, software, data, pictures, articles, or 未经授权的书籍
  • Copying, attempting to copy, or distributing copyrighted or licensed software, data, 未经适当授权的图片、文章或书籍
  • Abusing printing resources such as printing material that is not academic or business-related. 



The institution considers alteration or attempted alteration of 项目 - digital 数据或其他文件,资源或设备的破坏,或破坏破坏. 违反 包括但不限于以下内容:

  • The installation of software or the intentional spreading of vir使用 that cause harm 到计算机系统或其他用户的帐户
  • 篡改或妨碍学校计算机系统的
  • Inspecting, modifying, or distributing data or software without proper authorization 或者试图这么做
  • 破坏计算机硬件和软件


Any intentional attempt to harm or destroy data or equipment will result in immediate cancellation of user privileges, a requirement of restitution, and may result in sanctions 这是学生行为办公室规定的.  



十大网赌平台推荐学院拥有几个专有程序的许可证. 重新发布的用户 software from the computing systems break agreements with the college's software suppliers 以及适用的联邦版权、专利和商业秘密法律. 因此,学院 strictly prohibits the redistribution of any software from computing systems except 出版商明确标明为公有领域的软件. 十大网赌平台推荐学院会 不为被指控未经授权复制的个人提供法律辩护. 假设 a company sues the college, or the court fines the college because of unauthorized 抄袭的:学生、教员或职员抄袭或使用的. 在这种情况下,它可能会向 the individuals and subject them to disciplinary action that may include expulsion 或解雇. 违规行为包括但不限于复制、传播或 未经适当授权泄露数据、软件或文件.


骚扰 of others may be the sending, viewing, or printing of unwanted messages 或文件. 违规行为包括但不限于以下情况:

  • 干扰其他用户的合法工作
  • 通过电脑发送辱骂或淫秽信息
  • The use of computer resources to engage in abuse of computer personnel or other users



学院禁止不道德、不适当或非法使用网络. 使用 通常被认为不道德的包括但不限于以下内容:

  • Sending chain letters or unauthorized mass mailings banned by state and federal 法律
  • Using the network for non-professional or illegal activities, which may include obscenity, pornography, threats, harassment, copyright infringement, defamation, theft, or unauthorized 访问



十大网赌平台推荐学院会 take appropriate action in response to user mis使用, unethical use, or abuse of computing services as they may violate user responsibility and federal 法律. 这些行动可能包括但不限于以下内容:

  • 永久或暂时停止使用所有设施
  • 要求赔偿损失的法律诉讼
  • 转介给执法当局

学院将对涉嫌虐待学生的案件进行调查 或学生、教师或职员滥用电脑服务,并向署长举报 信息技术. 假设局长发现了违规的证据. 在那 case, the Director 资讯科技, the Vice President of 学者, and 负责学生生活的副主席会处理这件事. 他们会适当地 确定是不当行为、轻罪还是重罪. 经转诊后 appropriate office, depending upon the gravity of the violations, they will determine 制裁措施包括:

  • Suspension of the user's account until the user has a conference with the Director 资讯科技
  • 短期内暂停用户的账户
  • 暂停该用户的帐户,直至本学期结束
  • 被大学停学
  • 或者被学校开除

An accused user has the right to a hearing as outlined in the 学生的行为 Process 十大网赌平台推荐政策违规和建议的纪律处分.


十大网赌平台推荐学院会 publish the policy and distribute it in the appropriate media 接触到所有的学生、职员或教员.